Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sweet Justice

Oh yea, Im going to say it.  Not all babies are cute.  In fact, some babies, bless their hearts, are just down right ugly!  You know you all have see one.  I know, most of you are thinking, "Oh my gosh, I cant believe she said that!"  But the truth is, I have always stated the obvious and am one of the few people that will actually say it out loud. Asian and African American babies always manage to be so stinkin cute no matter what though.  But the Sweet Justice of it all is, when you have a mom in your kid's daycare class who looks down her nose at you because your outfit didnt come from SAKS and she is decked out to the nines, but her kid is one of the most unattractive kids I have ever seen!!!  My outfit may have come from Target but at least people dont have to hesitate to say something nice about my kid! Just goes to show you we should all be nice and not judge others but what you think their financial state is!!  It also should teach us not to cut some Willy Wonka bangs on a two year old! That is what this American Lady REALLY thinks!

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