Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Complicated

Ever since I  had Ava, I have been on a mental mission to recreate for her, the type of childhood I had.  But really, I think I was subconsciously trying to uncomplicate my life and use the peaceful memories to comfort myself through the hormonal and emotional changes over the last year.  I have thought more about my past than any year prior in my life.  I think of sleeping at night with the windows open and the summer breeze coming in and making everything smell good. I think of Saturday's where my family would stay home and work in the yard or do things around the house. I think of dinner being served before the sun went down and we all sat at the table. I think of playing with rocks, twigs, flowers, and even wild onions.  Those things have shaped me as a person and played a major role into why I love landscaping so much.  But the great thing about it all was it was soooo UNcomplicated.  It was my Norman Rockwell circa 1985. Now it is a treat to not have to go anywhere, to not have anything to do.  Is it because I am an adult now, or do things really seem so much more complicated than it was 29 years ago?  Our society is obsessed with making money and buying more/better things.  I agree that ambition is good and moving up is good but is it worth working tirelessly and missing weekends where you could be chasing lightening bugs to go to this practice, or do this work so you are not so bombarded on Monday?  Also, how much STUFF do we really need?  I bet we could all fit what we really need into a 1200 sf house.  More things = more things to take care of or have to be replaced when broken.  Im starting to see that Less is More is a great mantra.  I went out and bought the CUTEST pink and brown cupcake ceramic ware for Ava's birthday party.  Loved it!  Got it home and thought, where the hell am I going to store this??  So, I took it back.  I know it would chip and  I would have to shove it somewhere just to keep it and it really would cause more headache than anything else.  But it matched her theme!!  Maybe I should have been tending to my garden, prepping it for spring and getting a dose of Vitamin D and fresh air instead of wandering around Kohls because I had a coupon.  This is what this American Lady REALLY thinks!

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