Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day :)  It is nice to have a day to remind us to stop and tell those who we love how much they mean to us!  I think Valentine's Day goes beyond your spouse or significant other, it is for friends and family too!  Looking forward to today for old traditions (Love Potion #31 Baskin Robbins Ice Cream with Nichole) and starting new ones with Ava.  Since it is so nice outside, her and I are going to have a picnic today at the park and then go pick out a cookie for Lily, and pick up tonight's fare at Fresh Market.  The best Valentines are those that are surprises.  Today, I awoke to have a gorgeous bouquet of Lilies, Roses, and even Curly Willow!  But even more than the fact it has my favorite flowers, it was that it was a surprise and thought ahead of time!  Just like when I was young, one of my favorite Valentine's memories was waking up Valentine's Day to having a red heart balloon tied to the end of my bed.  I felt so special.  I hope your day brings you a surprise and that feeling of being special!!  Love to you all!

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