Thursday, February 10, 2011

Floor Play

Instead of Food for Thought, it really should be Words for Thought, eh?  Let me ask you a question, when is the last time you sat on the floor?  Not to play with your dogs or take care of a child, but just did your work or sorted things on the floor?  I found myself sitting on the floor in one of my spare (craft) rooms and it made me feel very child-like.  Why do we exile ourselves to hard wooden chairs?  It immediately took me back to playing Barbies on the blue shag carpet in my sisters old bedroom (I think I have the carpet right, I was a wee thing).  I have found several comforting moments sitting on the floor, flipping through albums, remembering childhood memories, and going through yearbooks!  If you are on the floor you can't fall. Definately good therapy!  This is what this American Lady REALLY thinks :)

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