There are two types of women when it comes to relationships. The Smart Ones and the Overacheivers. What makes the smart ones smart is the fact they do not show all of their cards at once. They realize that if you carry your own suitcase up the stairs, you will ALWAYS carry your own suitcase up the stairs so they know to ask their "honey" to carry it for them. This is true too in a variety of situations. If they show them they can cook, they will be cooking every night so Ragu spagetti is their "gourmet" meal. If they show them they can clean, they will clean every toilet for the rest of your life so they clean the bathroom with Tide. The smart ones now, they just dont do it from the beginning. It might come across as odd to the male species that their love missed out on the "Domestic Diva" gene but they will fall passionately in love anyways and accept the fact that they will be paying for a maid until death do them part. And the good news is, they will stay madly in love because the women doesnt look 70 when she turns 50 because she busted her ass off taking care of everything her whole life. No, she will look fabulous at all ages.
Now for the Over-Acheivers. Bless their stupid little hearts. They think that by doing their matronly duties that they are providing a comfortable, clean nest for their family. Silly thing is, the Over-Achiever doesnt realize they she cant keep up with everything. No, not in this day and age when they are still expected to work. The constant stress, guilt, and extreme exhaustion they feel is all because they thought it was neat that compared to everyone else their age, they actually know how to do these "Domestic Diva" things. They let on too quickly!!! Each day's to do list is tommorrow's wrap up punch list. So while all of her Smart friends feel great, have time to work out, and are happy, Over-Achiever is home straightening up for the fourth time that day with a back brace and chipped nails.
So Rule of Thumb: The women that look fabulous, are fit and healthy, and dont ache all over are the Smart Ones, they realized that people have maids for a reason. The Over-Achievers, well, they are still working on a way to back out.
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