Monday, May 16, 2011

Ice Cold Cold-Calling

Does anyone else think the concept of cold-calling in today's corporate world is ridiculous?  The fakeness is quite hilarious.  I truly believe the only reason it eventually works is because if you cold call enough times (7-8 is the lucky number, right?) you have actually built a relationship with the person.  Relationships are what sells work.  Cold calling just builds the relationship on annoyance or brown-nosing if you are the type who brings donuts every time.  Maybe we should rethink our strategy and instead of pounding the pavement and worrying about how many, how fast, we should think about how genuine and sincere. The soul-less business men in their department store suits, wasting their life away by worrying about probabilities of getting work is so sad.  Work at something you enjoy.  You have one life, don't waste a single day.  This is what this American Lady REALLY thinks!

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